Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Drug War



Who: El Chapo
What: "El Chapo set to become Chicago's #1 public enemy after escape."
When: Before 2014
Where: Chicago
Why: El Chapo is against the drug war. If drugs get legalized, then he would go out of business. Also he would more than likely go to jail whether or not the drug war happened, because of all the crimes he committed before drugs became legal. He would end up in jail, and he doesn't really care about going to jail since he wants to become public enemy #1. So obviously he doesn't mind going to prison or going against the law because he just wants to get money for his business. So if the drug war were to happen, then he would go out of business and go to jail.



Who: ---
What: "32 Reasons Why We Need To End The War On Drugs"
When: Before 1961
Where: Global
Why: The war on drugs can be very costly. On one of the pages, it says that the U.S. spend $100 billion in one year on the war. Also, the drug war happens to imprison many people in a year. A chart shows that the amount of people imprisoned drastically decreases the amount of people available for work. These are just a few examples of what the drug war does. Overall, if effects the people in a very negative way.

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